Thank you all for your comments and sharing your experiences with me. I am having a good look at everything you have posted and references you recommend. I will come back with some thoughts and/or questions later once I have processed what is here so far. Thanks also for the humour, you have given me some giggles along the way too. Always makes a nice break from too much seriousness.......
Lozhasleft - There are so many things about your story I can relate to. (not being annointed) but living with alcoholism and the destructive effects it has on family for sure. It is crazymaking behavour that makes you question your own sanity.
saltyoldlady - You have said so much, gonna go back and read it again.
punkofnice - I was also of the 'disappointed class'
willyloman - How many "annointed" dubs decide at some point that they are not and abandon the concept
This is something I would like to know......anyone????
onthewayout - Ha!!, go for it. Then you can give me some first hand information.
sweetbabycheezits - Fabulous!!!! might see if my partner will annoint me later. And I know its selfish, but I wont be posting on here how I felt about it.
este - same, see above comment
sabastious & desirousofchange - we definately cant write that off as a possibility......but then I'm am no expert.
clarity - hugggggggs back to you, you deserve some
ding - unfortunately I don't have a copy of his book. I got it out at the library. so can't check that right now. I do recall him saying it was unbiblical. But did he go further into why he thought he was annointed?
jgnat - dont know why but when I tried to open that link the writing just keep going for miles across the page so unfortunately couldnt read it.
I take it you don't feel like you will be ruling as kings though? Or do you? There seem to be a variety of christian beliefs around this. I have christian family members (non JW) who feel they will be ruling in heaven with Jesus. But when I asked them who they would be ruling over, they had no idea. I'm still waiting for them to get back to me on that.